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Artist Inspiration: Gerard Way

Gerard Way inspires me because of how much passion he puts into his art regardless of the form it is in. As the former lead singer of the band "My Chemical Romance", he never fell short with the creative aspect of his clothing, music videos, and even his own album covers. He made sure that whatever he put out into the public had meaning and was beautifully and creatively portrayed in his own unique way. His visions were always intricate, well planned out, and methodical. His art inspires me because he is not afraid to show his vision in his purest forms. He even publicizes his rough sketches and his process work to further emphasize the fact that he is not ashamed of his process. 


His work, although leaning to a more animated style, tends to involve a lot of gore. There are bold lines and abstracted body proportions to add character. Upon looking at his art, i was inspired to add more of those gore elements to my art. His influence on my art can be seen in my "High School art" tab since I do include some gore and animated elements to my work.



More of his art, music, and other information can be see on his website at



3 cheers.jpg

Art done by Gerard Way for an album cover of his own band.

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Concept art for his music video for one of his bands song "Welcome to the Black Parade."

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